Brightburn is a 2019 American superhero horror film directed by David Yarovesky and produced by James Gunn and Kenneth Huang. It stars Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson A. Dunn, Matt Jones, and Meredith Hagner, and follows a young alien boy raised on Earth who realizes he has superpowers, soon using them to terrorize his town. The film is produced and financed by Screen Gems, Stage 6 Films, Troll Court Entertainment, and The H Collective.
Brightburn was announced as Untitled James Gunn Horror Project in December 2017. Aside from Gunn producing the film, his cousin Mark and brother Brian Gunn wrote the screenplay. Principal photography began in March 2018 and wrapped in May of that same year.
Brightburn was released in the United States on May 24, 2019 by Sony Pictures Releasing. The film received mixed reviews from critics, who praised the horror elements and Banks' performance, though felt the film did not fully deliver on its premise.