The Batman is an upcoming American superhero film based on DC Comics featuring the character Batman. Produced by DC Films and 6th & Idaho, and set for distribution by Warner Bros. Pictures, it is intended to be a reboot of the Batman film franchise. The film is being directed by Matt Reeves, who wrote the screenplay with Peter Craig, and stars Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne / Batman, alongside Zoë Kravitz, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro, Peter Sarsgaard, Barry Keoghan, Jayme Lawson, Andy Serkis, and Colin Farrell. Set in his second year of fighting crime, the film sees Batman uncover corruption in Gotham City while facing a serial killer known as the Riddler.
In 2014, Ben Affleck was set to direct, produce, co-write, and star in a new Batman film set within the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), reprising his role from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), but he stepped down as writer and director in January 2017. Reeves took over as director and co-writer, reworking the story to focus on a younger Batman and emphasize the detective side of the character. Affleck left the project in January 2019, and Pattinson was cast in his place that May. The film's connections to the DCEU were removed, with the film now set on "Earth-2" within the DC Films multiverse. Further casting took place by the end of 2019, and principal photography began in London in January 2020. Production was suspended in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but resumed in September. Exterior shots were filmed in Chicago, and filming concluded in March 2021.
The Batman is scheduled for release in the United States on March 4, 2022, delayed twice from an original June 2021 date due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Two sequels are planned and two spin-off television series are in development for HBO Max.