Clifford the Big Red Dog is a 2021 family comedy film directed by Walt Becker based on the children's book series of the same name by Norman Bridwell that stars Jack Whitehall, Darby Camp, Tony Hale, Sienna Guillory, Russell Wong and John Cleese. The film was screened unannounced on August 26, 2021, during the 2021 CinemaCon event in Los Angeles. It was initially scheduled to premiere at the 2021 Toronto International Film Festival in September 2021, to be followed by a theatrical release in the United States on September 17 after being delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic by Paramount Pictures, but was ultimately pulled from the festival and had its release date removed from Paramount's schedule due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant. The film will now be simultaneously released theatrically and digitally on Paramount+ on November 10, 2021 in the United States.