Obi-Wan Kenobi is an American television miniseries created for the streaming service Disney+. It is part of the Star Wars franchise, beginning ten years after the events of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005), and stars Ewan McGregor as the title character, reprising his role from the Star Wars prequel trilogy.
The project originated as a spin-off film to be written by Hossein Amini and directed by Stephen Daldry, but it was reworked as a limited series by Amini following the commercial failure of Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) and the franchise's subsequent pivot to television. McGregor was confirmed to be starring in August 2019, and Deborah Chow was hired to direct a month later. Production was scheduled to begin in July 2020, but the series was put on indefinite hold in January 2020 because Lucasfilm was unhappy with the series' scripts. Joby Harold was hired to rewrite the series and serve as showrunner in April 2020, executive producing with Chow, McGregor, Kathleen Kennedy, and Michelle Rejwan. Additional castings were announced in March 2021, with co-stars such as Joel Edgerton, Bonnie Piesse, Jimmy Smits, James Earl Jones, and Hayden Christensen also reprising their prequel trilogy roles. Filming began by May 2021 in Los Angeles, using StageCraft video wall technology, and wrapped by September. Star Wars film composer John Williams wrote the series' main theme.
Obi-Wan Kenobi premiered on May 27, 2022, with its first two episodes. The other four episodes will be released weekly until June 22. The series has received positive reviews, with particular praise for McGregor's performance, Chow's direction, as well as its tone and visuals.