Insidious: The Red Door is a 2023 American supernatural horror film directed by Patrick Wilson in his directorial debut from a screenplay by Scott Teems and story by Leigh Whannell. It is a direct sequel to Insidious (2010) and Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013), and the fifth installment in the Insidious franchise. Ty Simpkins, Patrick Wilson, Andrew Astor, Rose Byrne, and Lin Shaye reprise their roles from the films. Hiam Abbass and Sinclair Daniel also join the cast.
After the release of Insidious: The Last Key (2018), Blumhouse Productions opted for possibilities to produce future films in the series, including a crossover with the Sinister series. In October 2020, the studio announced that Wilson would direct and star in the new film, with Teems writing the script based on a story written by Whannell.
Insidious: The Red Door is scheduled to be released in the United States on July 7, 2023, by Sony Pictures Releasing.