Hellboy: The Crooked Man is a 2024 American superhero horror film, based on the Dark Horse Comics character Hellboy created by Mike Mignola. Produced by Millennium Media, Dark Horse Entertainment, Nu Boyana Film Studios, and Campbell Grobman Films, and distributed by Ketchup Entertainment, it is the second reboot of the Hellboy film series and is the fourth live-action entry in the franchise. It is directed by Brian Taylor from a script he wrote with Mignola and Christopher Golden, adapting The Crooked Man limited series written by Mignola. The film stars Jack Kesy as Hellboy, alongside Jefferson White and Adeline Rudolph. Filming began in March 2023, in Bulgaria, and wrapped in May.
Hellboy: The Crooked Man is scheduled to be released in the United Kingdom on September 27, 2024.