Smile 2 is a 2024 American psychological supernatural horror film written and directed by Parker Finn. The sequel to Smile (2022), the film stars Naomi Scott as a pop singer who begins to experience a series of increasingly disturbing events as she is about to go on tour. It also features Rosemarie DeWitt, Lukas Gage, Miles Gutierrez-Riley, Peter Jacobson, Raúl Castillo, Dylan Gelula, and Ray Nicholson in its supporting cast, while Kyle Gallner reprises his role as Joel from the first movie.
In March 2023, following the commercial success of the first film, Finn signed a first-look deal with Paramount Pictures to develop additional horror projects. In April 2023, it was announced that a sequel to Smile had entered pre-production, with Finn returning as writer and director. Principal photography took place from January to March 2024 throughout various locations in New York.
Smile 2 is scheduled to be released in the United States by Paramount Pictures on October 18, 2024.